Get all devices and sensors data
Required | Default Value | Type | Range | Description | |
sensorType | No | string | Sensor type |
[ { "id": 18, "idName": "01", "name": "test name", "typeName": "arduino", "description": "test", "isPublic": true, "isControlled": true, "internetAvailable": true, "apiAddress": "", "apiAddressInternet": "", "sensors": [ { "id": 62, "idName": "01H1", "name": "test name", "value": "96.2", "type": "HUMI", "typeName": "Humdity", "unit": "%", "description": null, "lastUpdateTime": "2013-04-11 12:56", "isOnline": false, "isError": false, "isAlarm": true }, { "id": 194, "idName": "02H1", "name": "test tt ", "value": "26.5", "type": "HUMI", "typeName": "Humdity", "unit": "%", "description": null, "lastUpdateTime": "2012-08-23 10:51", "isOnline": false, "isError": false, "isAlarm": false } ] } ]
Type | Description | |
id | int64 | The global device identification, automatic generation |
idName | string | Device ID |
name | string | Device name |
typeName | string | Device type |
description | string | Device description |
isPublic | boolean | Whether public |
isControlled | boolean | Wheter controlled |
internetAvailable | boolean | Internet access |
apiAddress | string | Lan API address |
apiAddressInternet | string | Internet API address |
sensors/id | int64 | The global sensor identification, automatic generation |
sensors/idName | string | Sensor ID |
sensors/name | string | Sensor name |
sensors/value | string | Current value |
sensors/type | string | Sensor type |
sensors/typeName | string | Sensor type name |
sensors/unit | string | Sensor unit |
sensors/description | string | Sensor description |
sensors/lastUpdateTime | string | Sensor update time |
sensors/isOnline | boolean | Whether online |
sensors/isError | boolean | Whether error |
sensors/isAlarm | boolean | Whether alarm |
Sensor type list:
TEMP Temperature
PRES Air pressure
HUMI Humdity
DIST Depth
JDQI Relay
CO22 CO2
KLUX Light Intensity
PMUG Particulate matter
PMU2 Particulate matter-2
PMU3 Particulate matter-3
OTHR Other